Sleep Success When Expanding Your Family

Growing Families Part Three

Woman on couch with sleeping baby. | Parenting Avenue Denver

Sleep. What a wonderful time! I’ve always loved to sleep, but I never realized how vital it was to my being until I had my first child. Then, I discovered that sleep could make or break me.

It isn’t just rest that we need. Our bodies require time to recover, and our hormone levels need a nice long snooze to replenish. We need a good slumber to maintain a positive mood and productivity; while our kids need their zzzzz’s for growth and brain development.

Our friend Laura Vanston, a Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner and owner of Inspired Pediatrics, likes to point out the health benefits of sleep. Second babies are more likely to get sick sooner than the first, and usually the number of viruses and illnesses increases as the family grows. Making sure everyone is getting plenty of sleep means your bodies will be better equipped to fight the constant barrage of germs.

The gist is: Successful sleep sets your family up for success as a whole! So, we wanted to talk to our marvelous sleep consultant, Bonnie Dimmick, about how to maintain a successful sleep schedule when growing the family. She had some awesome advice for us.

And remember: Parenting Avenue has got you. Our groups are full of folks who are just trying to figure it out! We provide a supportive environment and bring in the pros to offer guidance while you build your community. Visit the website today and fill out a survey to join one of our amazing parent support groups.

Who’s Sleeping?

Sleep consultant Bonnie often notices that when it comes to prepping to expand, families seem to focus more on the new baby’s sleep. But the whole family’s sleep is important! Consider what a big change this is for an older sibling, and remember that you will be sleep deprived as well.

Emotional regulation is greatly impacted by sleep, and it will be a crucial element in supporting an older child through this transition. Making sure that everyone has enough rest will go a long way to help navigate the wide array of changes headed your way.


Before the new addition arrives, make some plans to ensure the whole fam is getting some quality zzzz’s. Work together to get some relief. And don’t be afraid to ask for help from friends and family if you’ve got them nearby.

No Two Are Alike

Many parents imagine that having conquered a sleep routine with one child, they’ll be fine with their second. Whelp folks, that’s a lovely fantasy, but it isn’t very accurate. Every baby is different. You’re likely to find that what worked with your first doesn’t work the same way with your second.

When I’m working with families, I work with about as many families with their second or third baby as I do with families and their first baby. Every baby is different, and what worked for one doesn’t always work for another.

Bedtime Tips & Tricks

When preparing for the addition of a new baby, here are some tips and tricks to help the whole family get a good night’s rest.

  • Make Some Noise! 

The big sib is going to need to know how to sleep through the hollering of a newborn. Start making a racket now. Vacuum, use the microwave, have friends over. Stop the tiptoes and whispers! It is for their benefit in the long run.

If you haven’t already used a white noise machine with your child, now might be the time to start. They aren’t just tools to sooth your little guy to sleep. They also work as a sound barrier, blocking out or buffering noise from the rest of the house.

  • No Big Changes!

Many parents are tempted to transition their toddler into a big kid bed so that the little one can use their crib. This could be a bad idea. Unless you start the migration at least 3 months before baby is due to arrive and your toddler is 3 or older, now may not be the time to make big changes. 

Becoming a big sib is a huge adjustment for your child. Removing their familiar sleep space to give it to the brand new bundle may make the transition more fraught. Additionally, the physical boundaries of the crib may provide a sense of security during a time of instability.

  • Set Expectations!

Talk to your child about what they may hear when the new baby arrives. Let them know that it isn’t their job to do anything about the crying they may hear from their new sib. Make sure they understand that the sound is not something they need to be alarmed by nor do they have an obligation to respond to it. Let them know you’ve got this…because you do!


A Sleep Consultant Means Sleep Success

Bonnie is an asset—a resource to put on your list today! You’ll never regret investing in a solid sleep routine for the entire family. As we like to say, “If we don’t have happy, emotionally well-balanced parents (and big sibs!), we don’t get happy, emotionally well-balanced babies.” Get that shuteye! Schedule time for a snooze! And watch your family flourish as it grows.

Parenting Avenue—Your Parent Support & Social Group—Has Got You!

Expanding your family isn’t going to be easy. If you make the choice to grow, there will be stressful, sleepless nights. Know that the community at Parenting Avenue supports you. No matter the size of your crew, we are ready to guide, assist, and encourage you!

Invest in your own health and happiness and, consequently, that of your family by visiting the Parenting Avenue website and signing up for a parent support group today. Your village is right here!

And thank you to Bonnie Dimmick for her helpful advice on baby, toddler, and parent sleep. Be sure to check out our other pieces in this series:

Growing Families: The Beginning

Growing Families Part 2: Common Concerns When Considering Expanding Your Family

And take a look at our blog for more thoughts and information on all things parenting!


The Benefits of New Parent Support Groups


Common Concerns When Considering Expanding Your Family