Our Guest Speakers
Intro to Solids Expert - Pediatric OT
Will talk to your group about how to successfully start solids with your baby as well as help them overcome their child’s feeding challenges, such as food refusal, picky eating, the inability to chew or difficulties swallowing.
Pediatric PT
Dr. Brita DeStefano, Owner of Progress Through Play. Dr. Brita is passionate about giving parents peace of mind about their children’s motor development through play! She will speak to your group about tummy time, head shape, container syndrome, milestones and more!
Speech Pathologist - Pediatric OT
Will talk to your group about how to engage with your baby to help with their early comprehension and speech. They will give you tips, tricks and things to do everyday to get your baby communicating quickly. Early language development will help with life long communication skills.
Sustainability & Babies
Katie Kurpanek -Caring for the Earth & Kids:
Katie is a Mama, Podcaster, and a Life Coach who focuses on sustainability. Katie will talk to your group about about Baby's 1st Year, and eco-friendly and non-toxic hacks for diapering / potty training your baby, transitioning from milk/formula to solid foods with less plastic and food waste, as well as how to find clothing, toys, baby gear, etc for free / affordable costs and with less environmental footprint. She founded That Minimal Life, LLC, in 2020 as a resource for people to turn to again and again as they strive to do the same. Since having a kid, she has had to personally adjust and adapt her lifestyle to continue living sustainably in ways that are actually manageable with a baby/toddler.
Pediatric Occupational Therapist
Occupational Therapy (OT) is a profession that assists people across the lifespan to do the things they need and want to do to be as functional and independent as possible. Occupational therapists strive to help people live their lives to the fullest. In regards to pediatrics, therapists help children become independent in daily living tasks, become successful academically, address sensory processing difficulties, and more! If you pick a pediatric occupational therapist to come as a guest speaker, they can answer your questions on improving your child's gross and fine motor skills, as well as improve visual perceptual/visual motor skills.
Pelvic Floor PT
Either the same one you had or another one (you choose). It doesn't matter if you gave birth via c-section or vaginally, one in three women who have been pregnant will have some sort of pelvic floor dysfunction in their lives. The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology now recommends a routine physical therapy consultation after 6 weeks postpartum, but unfortunately, this is not yet the norm.
Learn about your pelvic floor and what you can do to ease discomfort, leaking and lose the fear of jumping, sneezing and coughing.
Sleep Consultant
Bonnie Dimmick focuses on respectful parenting and sleep strategies to help babies and toddlers learn to sleep independently. She will answer questions about naps, wake windows, swaddles and more.
Functional Movement
Stretch and Strengthen while taking care of baby. Multitasking isn't just emptying the dishwasher while watching your baby, it can also include stretching out your achy muscles while encouraging your baby's development. Learn how to include your child while strengthening your core and glutes, easing neck and shoulder discomfort, and stretching your low back and hips.
Postpartum and Pediatric Acupuncture
All clinicians at Light & Dark are trained in pediatric acupuncture, which (believe it or not!) is a gentle and fun therapy for kids. Our unique way of addressing the root cause of chronic illness in a holistic way supports infants dealing with colic, torticollis, lip tie, tongue tie, motor delay, sleep regression and more. Additionally, Eastern Medical practices encourage healthy development and a robust immune system. If you choose them to be a guest speaker, they can inform you and answer your questions on: Foods that improve the development of the digestive system in infants and toddlers. Specific postpartum care techniques that support postpartum healing, improve milk supply and symptoms of postpartum depression or anxiety. Cold/flu/RSV prevention for infants and toddlers.
Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
Our on-call Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, Laura Vanston, DNP, CPNP-AC/PC
Will answer all your questions from Cold Care for Babies, Eczema care, How to ease your baby into the 4th trimester, Introducing allergens to your baby, First aid for infants and more!
Integrative and Functional Medicine Family Nurse Practitioner
Alison Percowycz, MSN, FNP-C, is a Board-Certified Family Nurse Practitioner that specializes in Integrative and Functional Medicine during the postpartum period. There is a lack of focus on the care of moms during the postpartum transition, and it is her mission to change that. She offer personalized care that includes in-depth laboratory and nutrient testing to check for insufficiencies that may contribute to postpartum symptoms as well as nutrition and lifestyle tools that can help to enhance health and well-being for moms that are postpartum at any stage. If you pick Alison as a guest speaker, she would be able to discuss postpartum symptoms and some of the underlying causes from a medical perspective, what types of labs can be helpful in the postpartum period as well as nutrition and lifestyle medicine techniques (sleep, stress management, hydration/nutrition, movement and support/connection) to help moms feel the best that they can and enjoy motherhood.
Parent Coach & Pediatric Occupational Therapist
Sarah Prowak is passionate about taking a proactive, individualized, and evidence-based approach to parenting and development. She provides education and guidance to expecting and new parents, instilling confidence and setting their littles ones up for success as they grow, eat, and play!
Some areas where she provides support: Feeding Solids, Play Activities (to support key areas of development), Baby Gear and how to use it, Sensory Development.
CPST (Child Passenger Safety Technician)
Sarah is a nationally certified to provide hands-on education on how to properly use car seats. She is up to date on the latest and safest recommendations for your child and offers free car seat safety checks in the Denver Metro Area.
Baby/ Toddler Music Education
Soquel Ross owns Nimble Notes, which offers high quality music education for ages 0-7 years old.
Her engaging and joy filled classes explore timeless music from around the world. She believes you should leave our program with music that will enrich your daily life.
Parent Art Therapist
Leanne Morton, MA, LPC, ATR - Wild Sunflower Wellness (Art Therapist):
Leanne is a Mama and Art Therapist who is trained in Perinatal (pregnancy through postpartum) Mental Health. She specializes in supporting parents to reconnect with themselves through therapeutic art-making. After becoming a mother herself, Leanne realized that parenthood is a rite of passage that includes the mind, body, and soul, a transition that can be difficult to navigate using words alone. Art-making naturally engages our whole being, which can allow us to slow down and tune into the parts of ourselves that may feel disconnected or in need of our attention. Leanne will lead you through a sample therapeutic art-making prompt for self-care, offer an opportunity to share about your experience, and answer questions about how Art Therapy can be of support during parenthood. Art experience is not necessary to participate or benefit.